There are many types of pests that can attack your trees, but the most common ones are boring insects. These bugs eat the inner bark of trees and then lay eggs. The larvae of these insects live for years inside the tree, destroying the entire plant. They are a common threat to ash trees, and they can kill millions of trees in the Midwest alone. Here are a few of the most destructive types of tree pests.
To control insect infestation, the best approach is prevention. Maintaining a healthy and strong tree is the most effective way to prevent pests from infesting your trees. To control these pests, you need to kill them immediately. When they get on your trees, you can use a fungicide or spray to kill the adults. You can also kill sucking insects with an appropriate tool. If you notice the presence of a pest in your tree, you can destroy it.
If you want to control these pests, you must first identify them. The tussock moth is a major defoliator of larch and Douglas-fir trees. It has caused extensive damage to lumber produced from these trees. It can also cause weakened trees, so be sure to prevent rotting wood from being stored. Another type of defoliating insect is the black turpentine beetle.
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